
11/06/2019 Publications
The European Union is in the process of finalising its first ever CO2 emission standard for heavy du ...
21/05/2019 Publications
High quality, verified and reliable facts and figures are essential to support economic and politica ...
26/04/2019 Press Releases
The ninth edition of the High-Level Meeting of the Refining Forum which gathered representatives fro ...
24/04/2019 Joint Statements
In 2017 the Commission launched the process to revise the current EU-wide occupational exposure limi ...
22/03/2019 Press Releases
Influence Map report “BigOil’s Real Agenda on Climate Change” published this Frida ...
12/03/2019 News
With less than 20 days remaining, European businesses are calling for a no-deal Brexit to be averted ...
07/03/2019 Press Releases
European industry is everywhere in our daily life: from the houses we build, the furniture we buy, t ...
21/12/2018 Position Papers
The refining sector, deemed exposed to a significant risk of carbon leakage for the EU ETS period 20 ...
12/12/2018 Press Releases
The ninth edition of the EU Refining Forum, which took place on 7 December, allowed in-depth discuss ...
10/12/2018 News
FuelsEurope believes that the inclusion of all lubricants under the EMCS is not an appropriate solut ...
28/11/2018 Press Releases
Eurelectric and Energy-Intensive industries call for an ambitious and comprehensive EU Industrial St ...
26/11/2018 News
In 2016 already, studies published by Norwegian University of Trondheim, NTNU, showed that emissions ...
23/11/2018 News
The second expert meeting of the EU Refining Forum will take place on 7th December 2018 (Friday), be ...
12/11/2018 News
T&E published its opinion “Why rewarding renewable fuels under the truck CO2 regulation wo ...
12/11/2018 Position Papers
The Sustainable Finance package launched by the Commission aims to make sustainability consideration ...