
12/11/2018 Position Papers
The refining industry is a key sector for the EU, supplying vital petroleum products used in road tr ...
23/10/2018 News
In view of the vote on the Resolution on COP24 at the next EP Plenary meeting on Thursday 25th Octob ...
17/10/2018 News
In view of the upcoming vote of the European Parliament Environment Committee on the regulation for ...
17/10/2018 News
The implementation of the IMO 0.50% wt. global sulphur limit as of 1 January 2020 represents an unpr ...
11/10/2018 Publications
There is a widespread view that all of light road transport, and much of other transport sectors, sh ...
04/10/2018 Publications
The EU established a goal in the framework of the Paris Agreement to lead the world in addressing gl ...
04/10/2018 Publications
What regulatory measures can be devised to stimulate R&D and unlock the investment in low-carbon ...
26/09/2018 Press Releases
A new and integrated EU industrial strategy for energy-intensive industries is required to complete ...
06/08/2018 Publications
High-quality, verified and reliable facts and figures are essential to support economic and politica ...
09/07/2018 Publications
In the aftermath of the two previous Industry4Europe Joint Papers “For an ambitious EU Industr ...
21/06/2018 Press Releases
EU Directive 2014/94/EU on the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure requires EU member sta ...
11/06/2018 News
FuelsEurope represents all 41 companies refining petroleum into fuels and products, in the EU-28 cou ...
27/04/2018 Press Releases
The eighth edition of the EU Refining Forum which attracted around 130 participants representing Mem ...