
10/04/2024 Publications
FuelsEurope is the association representing the interest of 40 companies operating in the European U ...
12/07/2023 Publications
FuelsEurope welcomes the adoption of the Opinion on the ‘Review of the CO2 emission standards ...
05/07/2023 Publications
High quality, verified and reliable facts and figures are essential to support economic and politica ...
17/07/2022 Publications
High quality, verified and reliable facts and figures are essential to support economic and politica ...
20/06/2022 Publications
This study aims to determine environmental impacts on biodiversity due to biomass production for bio ...
22/12/2021 Publications
In the context of the energy transition of the European Refining industry towards climate neutrality ...
13/10/2021 Publications
“Sustainable biomass availability in the EU, to 2050”, the study by Imperial College Lon ...
28/06/2021 Publications
High quality, verified and reliable facts and figures are essential to support economic and politica ...
29/06/2020 Publications
High quality, verified and reliable facts and figures are essential to support economic and politica ...
15/06/2020 Publications
The ambition of the European Union is to be climate neutral by 2050. The European refining industry ...
15/06/2020 Publications
Our “Clean Fuels for All” pathway is likely to trigger a number of questions from stakeh ...
28/11/2019 Publications
To play an active and solution-oriented role in the European debate on Europe’s contribution t ...
11/06/2019 Publications
The European Union is in the process of finalising its first ever CO2 emission standard for heavy du ...
21/05/2019 Publications
High quality, verified and reliable facts and figures are essential to support economic and politica ...
11/10/2018 Publications
There is a widespread view that all of light road transport, and much of other transport sectors, sh ...