
08/11/2023 Position Papers
FuelsEurope, representing the European Fuels Manufacturing Industry, supports the Commission proposa ...
09/10/2023 Position Papers
1. Spreads: 1% absolute deviation of main method vs. measure and consideration of overall mass-balan ...
13/06/2023 Position Papers
FuelsEurope recommendations and proposed amendments Brussels, 13 June 2023: FuelsEurope welcome ...
01/06/2023 Position Papers
FuelsEurope, the European Association representing the refining industry, strongly supports the EU o ...
02/01/2023 Position Papers
FuelsEurope, the Association representing European fuel manufacturers, strongly supports the EU obje ...
06/07/2022 Position Papers
FuelsEurope supports the European Green Deal objectives to review EU measures to address pollution f ...
30/06/2022 Position Papers
FuelsEurope is convinced that corporate social responsibility contributes to a sustainable, long-ter ...
26/06/2022 Position Papers
FuelsEurope, representing the European refining sector, supports the Green Deal’s objectives f ...
01/12/2021 Position Papers
FuelsEurope is aware that corporate reporting will play a crucial role in preserving and further imp ...
15/05/2021 Position Papers
Executive Summary: In the framework of EU policy debate on the 2030 GHG reduction target and the 205 ...
10/12/2020 Position Papers
FuelsEurope supports the EU’s goal of climate neutrality by 2050, recognising this will r ...
23/10/2020 Position Papers
Summary and key messagesSince aviation is primarily a global industry, global commitments are prefer ...
23/10/2020 Position Papers
Shipping is the backbone of international trade and commerce and an indispensable driver of EU prosp ...
05/10/2020 Position Papers
FuelsEurope supports aligning the taxation of energy products and electricity with EU energy and cli ...
05/10/2020 Position Papers
FuelsEurope supports the European Green Deal objectives to review EU measures to address pollution f ...