
14/09/2020 Press Releases
FuelsEurope launches today a micro-website dedicated to the industry’s “Clean Fuels forA ...
08/07/2020 Position Papers
FuelsEurope recently published its Clean Fuels for All pathway, describing how the transport sector ...
29/06/2020 Publications
High quality, verified and reliable facts and figures are essential to support economic and politica ...
25/06/2020 Joint Statements
Wide industry coalition call for a Hydrogen Strategy inclusive of all clean hydrogen pathwaysDear Vi ...
15/06/2020 Press Releases
FuelsEurope presents today a pathway describing how low-carbon liquid fuels could enable the transpo ...
15/06/2020 Publications
The ambition of the European Union is to be climate neutral by 2050. The European refining industry ...
15/06/2020 Publications
Our “Clean Fuels for All” pathway is likely to trigger a number of questions from stakeh ...
10/06/2020 Position Papers
FuelsEurope, representing the EU refining and marketing industry, welcomes the Recovery Plan publish ...
27/05/2020 Position Papers
FuelsEurope welcomes the publication of “Europe’s moment”, the European Recovery P ...
13/05/2020 Position Papers
FuelsEurope supports the goals of the Paris Agreement and the EU’s objective of climate neutra ...
29/04/2020 Joint Statements
The energy-intensive industries remain committed to developing and implementing GHG abatement measur ...
20/04/2020 Joint Statements
FuelsEurope (representing the EU refining sector) and IOGP (the International Association of Oil &am ...
15/04/2020 Press Releases
The Alliance of Energy Intensive Industries welcomes the opportunity to comment on the draft 2030 Ta ...
28/01/2020 Press Releases
Today a life without heating oil is unthinkable for 17% of Europeans who have no ecological and/or a ...
28/01/2020 Joint Statements
A life without heating oil is unthinkable for around 20 million households in the EU. These homes ar ...