
14/10/2021 Press Releases
A new study by Imperial College London Consultants concludes that the potential availability of sust ...
13/10/2021 Publications
“Sustainable biomass availability in the EU, to 2050”, the study by Imperial College Lon ...
15/07/2021 Press Releases
The Commission published today its Fit for 55 package designed to drive the EU on the path to climat ...
14/07/2021 News
FuelsEurope President Luis Cabra presents our proposal to strengthen carbon leakage protection in th ...
14/07/2021 Joint Statements
The Renewable & Low-Carbon Liquid Fuels Platform considers the publication of the European Commi ...
09/07/2021 Joint Statements
Ahead of the publication of the EC Proposal for the EU Emission Trading Scheme reform, expected on 1 ...
08/07/2021 Joint Statements
The European Commission’s Fit for 55 Package promises a bold new era in the fight against clim ...
02/07/2021 Joint Statements
Achieving Climate-Neutrality in Road Transport through the Contribution of Renewable Sustainable Fue ...
28/06/2021 Publications
High quality, verified and reliable facts and figures are essential to support economic and politica ...
10/06/2021 Press Releases
The Members of the European Petroleum Refiners Association unanimously appointed Luis Cabra as Presi ...
28/05/2021 Joint Statements
The 223 signing associations, companies and scientists of this letter fully support the EU’s t ...
19/05/2021 News
Webinars by FuelsEuropeFuelsEurope is delighted to present you its webinar series on “Understa ...
18/05/2021 Press Releases
FuelsEurope published its contribution to the decarbonisation of transport in the framework of the & ...
18/05/2021 Joint Statements
Subject: Renewable sustainable Fuels in Road Transport should be Recognised and Rewarded as an Essen ...
15/05/2021 Position Papers
Executive Summary: In the framework of EU policy debate on the 2030 GHG reduction target and the 205 ...