Transport and GHG reductions


1. Affordable mobility is a key contributor to the quality of life of European citizens and is intrinsically linked to economic growth.
2. While alternative technologies are increasingly used in transport, refined petroleum products are - and will remain for many years - the prominent energy source, due to a combination of factors such as superior energy density, easier transportability/storability, established infrastructure and comparatively lower cost (before carbon cost and taxes).
3. Transport is a contributor to GHG emissions. All transport fuels and energy will produce GHGs to a varying extent based on the emissions generated during their life cycle.
4. The taxation of petroleum products, and notably transport fuels, represents a very significant revenue flow to the State budget, and alternative transport fuels are not currently subject to similar level of taxation.
5. Transport GHG emissions in the EU are already on a reducing trend. Vehicle efficiency has achieved significant improvements, including through contributions of high performance fuels and lubricants.
6. Further improvements in these technologies, in addition to vehicle fleet renewal, alternative fuels and mobility behaviour will deliver further reductions in GHG emissions.
7. The production of petroleum fuels in the EU, thanks to strongly innovative and world leading energy efficient refineries, has a comparatively lower carbon footprint than outside Europe.