FuelsEurope was honoured to host two important meetings of the RLCF Alliance
FuelsEurope was honoured to host two important meetings of the RLCF Alliance.
The Coordination Sherpas – Chairs & Vice – Chairs meeting
Moderated by Axel Volkery, Deputy Head of Unit Sustainable and Intelligent Transport at the European Commission, the Chairs and Vice-Chairs of the four Roundtables exchanged views with the Steering Group Sherpas, gathering representatives of the European Commission, Safran and FINCANTIERI S.p.A., as chairs of the aviation and waterborne chambers, and Hydrogen Europe and FuelsEurope, as Members of the Alliance Secretariat, with regard to Working Programme 2022/2023’s general objectives, priority issues and forthcoming deliverables.
The Alliance, launched by Commissioner Adina Valean in April 2022, aims to ensure that aviation and waterborne transport have sufficient access to Low Carbon Fuels, while considering the future use of these fuels in land-based transport, and thus contributing to the reduction in the transport sector’s GHG emissions by at least 90 percent by 2050.
The RLCF Alliance Roundtable on “The Availability of Feedstocks, Synergies Among Sectors and the Just Transition”
The group shared conclusions from studies assessing the feedstock availability for the production of sustainable biofuels and e-fuels. We were delighted to welcome representatives from McKinsey on the “Global Energy Perspectives” and colleagues from Concawe to explain the Availability of Biomass - Imperial College Study and on the Report on the e-Fuels.