What Impact on Urban Air Quality?
Achieving climate neutrality in the transport sector is a priority and low-carbon liquid fuels will play a significant in enabling that objective. However, air quality and urban air quality in particular will also remain a priority for the benefit of EU citizens. Reducing emissions of pollutants from road transport has been a long journey, but EURO standards for both Light Duty Vehicles (LDVs) and Heavy Duty Vehicles (HDVs) have been successful in progressively reducing the gap and now enabling compliance with the emission limit values set for NOX and PMs. Thanks to more efficient engines, improved fuels and state of the art emission control technologies, most recent vehicles on the road successfully pass the check of real driving emission testing, as shown in very recent studies.
Looking into the future and the emergence of non-fossil based fuels, the question of low-carbon liquid fuels performance with regards to air quality has to be carefully analysed. Are these fuels showing better, similar or perhaps worse results than conventional fuels?
This session aims at answering that question whilst also providing an update on the conventional fuels’ performance on the basis of recent studies and tests performed on both fossil and non-fossil fuels.
Find the video recording of this session here.
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