Feedstock availability & sustainability review
Feedstock availability for the production of energy is an ongoing debate. The refining industry’s “Clean Fuels for All” pathway is based on two Commission Studies that assessed the biomass feedstock availability, and the proposed pathway for biomass-based fuels is consistent with the result of these studies.
Nevertheless, the question of availability is crucial and Concawe, the industry’s scientific & technical body, commissioned London Imperial College to perform a thorough assessment of EU domestic sustainable biomass feedstock availability to better understand the matter. The study includes Biomass from agriculture and forestry, and also waste. The key findings of the study will be presented during the webinar.
The webinar will furthermore look at the potential development of renewable liquid fuels, also known as eFuels, and will discuss sustainability criteria for the different feedstock.
The session features representatives from the biomass stream, the waste stream and the renewable stream, and of course the author of the study by Imperial College London.
Find the video recording of this session here.
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