Ensuring social inclusiveness
“Mobility is a critical aspect of social inclusion and an important determinant of well-being including for vulnerable groups of society. Transport fulfills a basic need and has an enabling function insofar that it affects household’s income as well as citizens’ ability to integrate into society and the labour market."
This statement from the Smart and Sustainable Mobility Strategy published in December 2020 recognises the critical role of mobility for EU citizens’ welfare. The Commission recognises that important barriers that can make it difficult for people to access these services include income, age, gender, disability or reduced mobility and territorial inequalities/ spatial segregation. Europe’s social & economic structure is very different from West to East, and North to South. This could trigger a significant fragmentation of the EU’s societal structure, not only from one region to the other but also within different social classes.
This session will debate the social impacts of the technology transition in mobility, using the latest data to identify the gaps and risks for leaving nobody behind.
Find the video recording of this session here.
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